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Year 1 - Robin Class

Welcome to Robin Class!

A huge welcome to Robin Class - Year 1 - at Steeple Morden Primary


We have 18 children in Robin Class and our teachers are Mrs Bowmer and Mrs Andrews. Mrs Bowmer teaches Monday-Thursday and Mrs Andrews teaches on a Thursday afternoon (covering Mrs Bowmer’s PPA time) and Friday.


Mrs Carter is the class Teaching Assistant 3 days a week on Monday – Wednesday.

Mr Brown is our Teaching Assistant on a Friday morning.

Mrs Dibling and Mrs J Brown continue to support a child in a 1-1 capacity.


In Robin Class we work hard to become ‘the best we can be’ – choosing to be kind with our hands, feet and words, trying our best and being brave when we find something more difficult.


In Robin Class we work hard to become ‘the best we can be’ – choosing to be kind with our hands, feet and words, trying our best and being brave when we find something more difficult.


During the first week back in September our work was based around the book The Colour Monster – looking at how we felt about returning to school, talking about our emotions and thinking of strategies to help us when we feel worried or sad or anxious. For the rest of this term, we are looking at the book ‘Who am I?’  and will focus on the questions, ‘Am I my name?’ and ‘Am I my emotions?’, etc. thinking about who we are and our place in the world, which fits well with our Topic.  


We will be learning some British Sign Language in Year One this year, learning to use our hands to communicate.  This will continue throughout the year, including learning some songs, numbers, animals and basic vocabulary.


Please see the documents below which will help you support your child and understand what we are learning in class:


Year 1 Topic Web Autumn 2023

Year 1 Timetable Autumn 2023

Year 1 Yearly Overview 2023-24

Year 1 Timetable 2 Autumn 2023

Year 1 Topic Web Spring 2024

Year 1 Timetable Spring 2024


Summer term


This term, our main topic focus is ‘It’s a Bug’s Life’ – looking at all different animals and plants, thinking of habitats, life cycles and growing things from seeds, tubers and bulbs.

We will be learning about poetry and how poems are fun, rhythmic and can be fairly short (and also recognising that they don’t need to rhyme). We will also be writing diaries, storytelling using a re-telling of a traditional tale and looking at non-fiction texts to enable us to write our own page about mini-beasts.

In Maths we will be delving into Multiplication and Division, learning vocabulary to do with position and direction, linked to Geography where we find continents and oceans, and learning to tell the time to o’clock and half past the hour. We will also think about calendars, using language to depict time passing and then look at money – ensuring we can all recognise coins and notes and be able to tell their values.

RE this term covers ‘Why do Jewish people say so many prayers and blessings?’ and we look at some stories from the Bible which are also common to other faiths, learning how they may have good messages for us, too.

We focus on athletics in PE, getting ready for Sports Day and Personal Health and Healthy Eating in PSHE, where we will also make pictures with moving parts and create a healthy snack, using cutting, peeling and slicing skills.


It’s a busy time of year in the classroom, but we also remember that getting out in the fresh air and playing on the field, making daisy chains, practising running on the track and playing with friends are so important. We like to have story times outside if possible, and enjoy using the outdoor classroom or field for Maths or PSHE (or anything else that takes our fancy!) Please ensure children have a sun hat and that you have applied their sun-screen before coming to school for the nicer weather that is surely just around the corner(?)!


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