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The School Day, Homework & School Meals

The School Day (2023 - 2024)


  • The school day starts at 8.45am with the school gates open and supervised from 8.40am to 8.50am.  Different classes enter the building through different doors to help manage flow through corridors and cloakrooms.

  • Morning registration starts at 8.45 and closes at 8.55am.  If a child arrives after registration they will be marked as late.

  • Assemblies take place each day and include a Christian act of worship.  These could be whole school assemblies, Key Stage assemblies or class assemblies.  We begin our week with a whole school assembly first thing on Monday morning and end the week with a whole school celebration assembly on Friday morning.  

  • Morning break is either 10.10-10.30 or 10.35-10.55 depending on class timetables.

  • Lunch time is staggered to help  manage the number of children eating together in the hall.  Each class has an allocated hour’s lunch break between 11.30am and 1.30pm.

  • There is the opportunity for KS1 children to have an afternoon break if the class teacher feels it necessary.

  • The school day ends at 3.15 for all classes and children in years 1 to 6 are collected from the playground.  Reception class children exit through the 'big blue door'  and we encourage parents to collect their Reception children before walking round to collect any siblings from the playground.



Every pupil receives homework on a regular basis, beginning with reading and sounds work in Reception Class. Details of the amount and type of work to be set for each year group will be provided by the class teacher at the beginning of the year, in the Year Ahead information.


Please support your child in the completion of these tasks by providing them with a quiet place in which to work. If you have any queries about homework tasks, please speak to the class teacher.


All children are expected to read, or be read to by a parent/carer, every day.

Universal Infant Free School Meals 


Free school meals are available for all pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.  This initiative has been developed with the purpose of aiding child development, supporting academic performance and improving levels of healthy eating.   For more information please visit the School Food Plan website.  


You will not need to submit an application because all pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will automatically be entitled to the free school meal.  However, if you are on a low income, we highly recommend that you do still make a free school meals application as it will allow school l to unlock additional funding for your child/ren, which will go towards supporting their development.


Eligibility for Free School Meals




We are very proud of our school meal service, which is managed in house.  This allows us to directly control meal content and portion sizes.  Most of our dishes are prepared on site and we endeavour to use local produce suppliers.  All payments for school meals should be made via Parentmail - please speak to the office if you don't have access to this.  


School Meal Charges for 2023-24

Pupil Daily  £2.40

Pupil Weekly £12.00


School Milk


School milk is available free for children under five and is subsidised thereafter, costing approximately £15 per term for over-fives.

The milk is not provided by the school but by "Cool Milk", a private company.  If you would like your child to receive school milk, you should contact them directly by email or telephone:  



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