We hope you find the information on our website both informative and helpful. This area is designed to provide you with the information and resources you need to help support your child during his/her time at Steeple Morden Primary School.
We believe that children’s learning is enhanced by close co-operation between home and school, and we place great emphasis on the development of these links. Your feedback is therefore very welcome; please let us know something is not working properly or if you think we could improve the way we work together.
If you cannot find the information that you need, please email, ring or pop into the school office and just ask!
Communication, School Transport & School Uniform
We communicate with parents though Parentmail, and school dinners, trips, clubs and other payments should also be made via Parentmail. Please contact the office if you don't have access to this system.
School Transport
School transport and ‘bus passes’ are arranged by Cambridgeshire County Council and all applications should be made online. The relevant county web page can be found by clicking on this link: bus application.
School Uniform
Our School Uniform is ordered on-line: we do not hold stocks of uniform in School. Parents are invited to view and purchase from the website.
You can go to the website by visiting Total Clothing's website. Orders delivered to School are free, if you choose to have your order delivered to your home address this carries a postage charge per order.
Click here for details of our school uniform.
Online Safety Guide for Parents
Transfer to Secondary School
The majority of our pupils normally transfer to Bassingbourn Village College (BVC) at the end of year 6. We maintain good relationships with BVC and seek opportunities for children to become familiar with the staff and environment through visits and events across years 5 and 6. Our teachers hold regular meetings with BVC staff to discuss curriculum continuity and pastoral care. We also have positive relationships with other local schools where pupils may transfer and again, staff meet to discuss individual needs prior to transfer.
To support transfer to secondary school we aim to provide a range of opportunities throughout their primary years to meet peers in the other primary schools on a social or sporting basis. In Years 5 and 6, all pupils spend two days at BVC working on a joint project, enabling them to find their way around and get to know some staff and pupils. It also provides an opportunity to experience some of the new activities they will encounter.
For more information and application forms, please visit the Cambridgeshire County Council website. Please note that you should ensure you apply for a school place at a secondary school when your child is in Year 6, and no later than 31st October. If you live outside Cambridgeshire, you should apply for a school place through the Local Authority you pay council tax to, irrespective of which school you are applying for.