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Birch Class (Year 2/3)

Welcome to Birch Class, we have an exciting term to look forward to, with lots of varied opportunities to try our best!


We have begun to study the period of history from the Stone Age though to the Iron Age. In our Science lessons we are delving into practical work to learn about how to plan experiments through investigating how nutrition, skeletons and muscles work.

We will be finding out about Chinese culture, which is linked to our study of the mandarin language, which is spoken by so many people around the world. To begin with, we will be practising greetings and counting using the appropriate intonation. Our cooks have kindly made some Chinese food for us so we will look forward to trying that!  

We are currently reading Run Wild by Jill Lewis, which is a touching story all about a group of children finding a wolf. In our maths lessons we are becoming more secure with place value comparing numbers up to 1000 and focusing on our mathematical reasoning skills.

Mr Beavan

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