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Vision Values and Ethos

“I was lost, but now I am found”, Luke 15:24


We have chosen the scripture; I was lost, but now I am found in Luke (15:24), to illustrate our mission for all within our ‘flock’ to feel valued and able to flourish. We are dedicated to ensuring that no individual within our school becomes lost, we work together to ensure that everyone within our flock is able to flourish personally, academically, socially and spiritually, this is theologically underpinned by the parable of The Lost Sheep. The outworking of our vision is to ‘Be brave, be kind, be the best you can be!’, underpinned by our core Christian values of Resilience, Compassion and Excellence. Each core value is understood through the parables of The Wise and Foolish Builders (Resilience), The Good Samaritan (Compassion) and The Talents (Excellence).

Our Vision

Stemming from our scripture, we choose Be brave, be kind, be the best you can be as our motto, because we want to equip children to be prepared for the wider world and to be the best versions of themselves through core Christian values of Resilience, Compassion and Excellence. Through the parable of The Lost Sheep, Jesus shows us resilience, compassion and excellence through not giving up on finding a lost sheep and ensuring the flock stay together. The adults working in and around our school act as the shepherds, ensuring the flock stay together and each individual feels acknowledged and valued, and does not become lost.

Our Ethos

At Steeple Morden C of E Primary School, we believe in the importance of personal responsibility and the need to show care and respect for others, our school, and its surroundings. Inspired by Luke 15:24 and the parable of The Lost sheep, we strive to ensure that no one in our school community becomes lost and that we work together to enable everyone within the school ‘flock’ to flourish.

Our staff are committed to working closely with parents, pupils, and Governors to cultivate a culture of respect, tolerance, and inclusion. We celebrate diversity and ensure that every child feels valued and supported. We aim to provide a high-quality education that empowers all children to excel; preparing them for future challenges and opportunities. Our inclusive, thoughtful, and sensitive approach ensures that we support every pupil in their journey. We also recognize the importance of community engagement and partnerships, working together to create a positive and enriching environment for all.

British Values Statement

We aim to serve our community by providing an education and a range of learning experiences of the highest quality, within the context of Christian belief.  We encourage an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith.  We promote British values and good citizenship.  In partnership with the Church of England at Parish and Diocesan Level, we teach respect for everyone, including those of other or no faith.  


Our pupils will have every opportunity to develop to their full potential and to achieve high academic standards.  We believe the children should develop excellent inter-personal skills and strong, caring, social and moral values.  The school provides a caring, secure and stimulating environment where children will develop creativity, resilience and a joy of learning.

© 2025 by Steeple Morden Primary School. Created with

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